Our speciality


Private Dentistry

Dental implants

dental implants

A fantastic option to replace a missing tooth or teeth are dental implants, which can help restore a healthy, natural smile and strong bite.


Treatment usually consists of two stages, a surgical and a prosthetic phase. The surgical stage inserts the implant into the jawbone under local anaesthetic. Prosthetic stage takes place after a period of integration, usually 8 -12 weeks when artifical teeth are fitted. During integration process you may need to wear a temporary prosthetsis.

Implant were developed in sweden in 1950s and have a high survival rate of more then 95%.



With placement of 2 or 4 implants your dentures can be clipped onto implants so your denture will never be loose again and you will not have to use any unpleasant denture adhesive. It will allow you to confidently smile and eat having natural looking teeth.

To help make sure your whole mouth and new implant stay as clean and healthy as possible, we would recommend you visit us for regular hygiene therapy appointments, where we will help you understand the best way to look after and clean your new implant and the rest of your teeth, mouth and gums.

Root canal treatment

root canal treatment

Root canal treatments a very common treatment. With the use of recent advances in dentistry is no longer painful and unpredictable. Placement of crown/onlay is recommended after root canal therapy preventing the tooth from splitting.

Root canal therapy has got a high success rate of up to 90 %.

The treatment itself involves opening the top of the infected tooth and removing the soft, infected tissue from inside. The canals of the tooth are then thoroughly cleaned and filled. A crown or filling is then used to seal the top of the tooth, so after a day or so, your mouth will look and feel normal again.

In some cases, where a root canal treatment is particularly complex, you may need more than one appointment. If this is the case, the tooth is filled with a medicated material to reduce the risk of further infection, with a temporary filling placed over the top so you can eat, drink and smile normally until the next step of your treatment.